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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Road Trip - North Mississippi

This is all y'all really need to know...

I'll mess it all up with some pictures and commentary when I get back from The Delta today.


  1. Please post about the three speeding tickets you've received in last...what..month, is it?

  2. I thought first I'd post about the chocolate clouds I was eating last-night...while you were finishin' off the boys' Happy Meals.

    Or maybe we could talk about the Bread Puddin' you remember a place in Canton...I think it was called Davidsons...

  3. I'm so sorry...Martha told me that last week was your SECOND fail at tryin' to get some of that bread puddin'.

    You know I wouldn't have been so insensetive if I'd known how touchy an issue it was..hahahahahhahahahahhahahah
