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Monday, December 27, 2010

"Those Aren't For You...They're for People."

That's what Martha told me when I tried to snatch a couple of these yesterday.

Guess I'm lucky she didn't hit me with the squirt-gun we keep handy for the cat when she gets a little too curious about what's on the counter.

"Fine then...Merry Christmas. I'll be in the pantry eatin' Pounces and Fancy Feast with Mary-Cathcart."

I managed to sneak a few eventually. Turns out they aren't poisonous to non-people, but are instead the Form of chocolate and peanut butter...the Form of deliciousness. I hope those people enjoy 'em.

Then there was this....


The Boy has been tellin' us for weeks now that Santy Clause was gonna bring him a red g'itar, but on Christmas morning when he was actually confronted with it...he hesitated. He stared in silence...took a few steps toward it and then backed up. Maybe he just couldn't believe it was actually there...that he could actually touch it, play it...that it was actually his.

"What did Santa Clause bring you...What is it bud?" Martha asked...tryin' to prod him along a little.

"Don't be silly Moma," the boy said with surprising deliberatness for a two year old, "that's my g'itar."

In other words butt-out of my least that's what it sounded like.

I hope y'all had as Merry a Christmas as this one did...


P.S. We went to the Sister's for breakfast on Christmas morning...she served us cold grits...on Christmas morning. For real. Fortunately her Mother-in-law was there to save the day with some scrumptious monkey-bread.

It was all actually very tasty and she did a great job, but she'll be so mad when she reads the last paragraph that she won't see this, I haven't actually ruined my little joke by telling the truth.


  1. A (slightly belated) extremely Merry Christmas to all in the Bartlam family. The picture of The Boy with his new guitar is just brilliant, and I know he's going to get to hear the right inspirations from yr good self. Hope the rest of the holidays are just as fine, and have a great new year.

    Cold grits? That's wrongness incarnate.

  2. I just looked up monkey-bread. I now want some badly.

  3. Trust's a good thing you don't know exactly what you're missing...a chewy cloud of butter and caramelized sugar.

    We've got Rory in the rotation now thanks to you. I can't control it all though...we're watching Fresh Beat Band as I type. Look that one up at your own peril.

    Funny though the last time New Order came on the radio in the car he thought it was the Fresh Beat Band.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours.

  4. Cold grits. Blech! That made me gag a little.

    G'itar, though. G'itar is awesome. Gotta love the accent.

  5. And she had the nerve to tell us it was our fault for not sayin' something.

    Excuse me?

    The two of us had the same upbringing..she knows better than that.

    The boy never uses two syllables when four will do. I just got 'im out of bay-yud.

    Makes my heart swell.
