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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2011 The Goals

Martha says I should have goals for the new year...and that I should write them down.

1. join a golf club.
2. get some pictures of me flexing my muscles up on the blog.
3. force somebody to admit that Diet Dr. Pepper taste like every other diet's breath.
4. no speeding tickets for at least the first six months off the year.
5. finish my story about Holyhead.

Those all seem laudable to me...and now that they've been written down they're sure to happen.

Plus, I know I can count on y'all to provide moral support and inspiration as I work to tick each task of the list.

Happy New Year Everybody!


  1. I'd like to hear 5, and 3's a given anyways. 1 and 2 are bound to be a dissapointment, so thats just 3. We'll see eh Lewis?

    Happy New Year to yourself and family too mate!

  2. I'm sorry do I know you?

    I used to have a good buddy that posted comments on here named Adam, but he hasn't been around in ages.

    #2 Would melt the blogger server...I've been told I can't do it.

  3. P.S. Happy New Year to you and the rest of 'em.

    Hope it's a good one for y'all.

  4. Yeah he's been coming up with his own new years resolutions and coping with a lurgified wife and child... not to mention a hefty dose of man-flu of his own, bleh!

  5. That's not good.

    Get better Mrs. Adam...Little Adam.

    Big Adam...suck it up.

  6. I will wait around patiently, ever so hopefully, for #2. Risk the melting of the internet. RISK IT. I need to see these guns.

    Best of luck with all your goals in the New Year.


  7. Diet Dr. Pepper generates in me a rage like no other.

  8. That's support.

    #3 is off the list.

    Adam I know you sorta supported me on this one but the overall tone of ridicule in your comment ruined the sentiment...and had my own wife laughing at me.

    Thanks, Ms. Rachel.

  9. Surely no.3 is a given to any right-minded person. Diet Dr Pepper is an abomination, as is any previously tasty fizzy drink which once contained sugar and has had that lovely stuff replaced by foul-tasting gunk which turns yr spit into viscous goo. A pox on aspartame and all its evil friends.

    Bring on No.5

  10. Number 3 is off the list...up next #5.
