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Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Just 'cause I didn't get any Hound Dog Taylor today don't mean y'all should be deprived...



  1. You're the Southern Garrison Keillor, mister! Thanks for Hound Dog Taylor - he's new to me (sorry.).

  2. Thank you ma'am. It's easy to tell stories livin in this place.

    We'll fix that. Hound Dog Taylor and the Houserockers were as good as Boogie ever got...he really is woefully under appreciated. Too much of a good time for the American Studies crowd.

  3. I used to listen to the Lake Wobegon - woe-be-gone - tales of Garrison Keillor on his radio show, but I can confirm we have now breached the acid damn and are currently - pardon the pun - swimming flash-back-stroke with Faulkner's ghost.

  4. Ha ha.

    That oughta get Allan down off his tractor.

    I may have to print that one out and hang it on the wall in my little workshop.
