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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

This Is Penn State!

We gotta take a break here for a minute and talk about an utter disgrace.

Joe Paterno is a disgrace, the Penn State football Program is a disgrace, Penn State University is a disgrace.

For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about here's a link...

I really don't like to get into this sorta stuff, what a drag. Two, the response to such things, you would think, is obvious. I don't see the point in announcing to the Internet that I too am against rape, murder, etc...but, evidently the response in this case is not obvious to the people at Penn State.

Today it has been announced that Paterno has decided he will retire at the end of the year. The end of the year???

They cannot let this moral bafoon decide when and how he goes out???

They are still trying to protect him and this ridiculous image of moral superiority they've created for themselves. Paterno says this has been "devastating" for him. Get.... you geezer. I don't care anymore about how this affects Joe Paaaaaaaaaaa than he did about those children.

He passed it up the chain? He's the Emperor of Happy Valley...he passed it up the chain??? That scumbag was on the campus working out less than a week ago.

This is just the most horrifying example of how far some of these folks north of the Ohio River have their heads up their *** when it comes to their institutions and moral standing in the world.

Ohio State fans will still bleet about the supposed cheating and general dirtiness of SEC programs...clueless, utterly clueless...and made that way by their own misplaced sense of moral superiority.

Yeah well, I'll take a five hundred dollar handshake, a 250 grand handshake, over child molestation every day.

Never mind that utter coward graduate assistant coach.

Penn State has disgraced its self. If Paterno's on the sideline Saturday there aren't words.

There's been a lot of embarrassed alum and former players talking about how "this is Penn State"...this can't stand, ect, etc, and bhaaaaaaaaa.

Fire Joe Paterno now or we will all know exactly what Penn State is.

UPDATE: Board of Trustees for Penn State met tonight and fired Joe Paterno and the Pres. of the University is gone as well. It's a step in the right direction but, it was the only step they could take.

One reporter claimed there was already rioting on campus.

This is Penn State. Where they celebrate cowardice and enabling.

If this were Ole Miss, or if this were Mississippi State, there wouldn't be a riot...there'd be a lynch mob. Paterno and that punk McCreary and all of 'em would need an armed escort out of town.


  1. Child protection cases - this is what my day job consists of. None of this surprises me. Burke (attribution is disputed) is reputed to have said "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
    Thing is - Paterno appears, all along, not to have been a good man...
    Children are abused precisely because they have no voice, no vote, no power - and because those who abuse have disproportionate amounts of power. Paterno and those like him aid and abet abuse - despicable but understandable when you think about the power structures our world operates.

  2. American Football is utterly dependent on Coaches. They not only set the strategy for a game they make the call on every's a chess match carried out by brutes and divas. This means that coaches almost become THE focal of a program. They can be unfairly vilified and unjustly revered...and a few of them become untouchable.

    Some of them use this license to crack hilarious one- liners (Steve Spurier), most of them become adored tyrants.

    But this is a line that almost no one can imagined being crossed...except for some people at Penn State who still seem confused about how to react.

    Hundreds of students gathered outside his house in support last night. If he coaches Saturday it will be celebration in his's insane.

    He did nothing. You can't count on a sicko like Sandusky to do the right thing, you can't ask a ten year old to puta stop to is imperative that people like Paterno stamp this out. He did next to nothing.

    Somebody on the radio talked about him going out with dignity. What dignity now.

    Sorry about bringing up work.

  3. You are forgiven...!

    Your stance is admirable.

    And in the course of this I have learnt a little more about American Football.

    As with all things, there is good and there is bad. The trick is knowing what side of the line you are standing on.

  4. Ugh, I hear you. I'm more upset about how all the attention is on Paterno instead of the victims or the child molester. I care very little about Paterno's feelings on the matter.

  5. Yeah Mayor, focus on what he didn't do and take the appropriate measures...but how he feels about it or how it affects..who cares. I said I don't like doing this type of thing. You don't want to stoop to preening. I just assume that anybody with the moral iq of a randy tom cat would react to this with disgust.

    But all morning long every third or fourth caller to these shows...and even a few commentators seemed to be equivocating about what should happen to Paterno. After he announced when he would retire I just couldn't take it anymore.

  6. I heard about the pro-Paterno rioting too. Obviously a lot of things about the fan-coach relationship I don't understand at all.

  7. Coaches are deified where I'm from...Johnny Vaught, General Neyland, Shug Jordan, Bear Bryant, Steve Spurrier...and none of us can understand this fan-coach relationship.

    This whole business is becoming more disturbing by the hour.
