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Wednesday, February 29, 2012


This is what work will do to you.


Just avoid it at all costs.


  1. That is a warning thats hard to ignore. I'm glad I dropped to 4 days, I'm too beautifull to end up that way.

  2. I'd knock it back to three...just to be on the safe side.

    1. Haha! (note to self - Should have read this at the beginning of this week...)
      Yip - you look like a traffic cop gone wrong... but in a good way.

    2. We're providing a service to the world here, at the expense of our own dignity...but, you gotta be present to take advantage.

      Speaking of traffic cops...I have a cracked windshield, one headlight, an inspection sticker that is two years out of date...and my co-worker was drinking cheap beer from a styrofoam cup in the passenger seat.

    3. You are a REBEL! Man after the heart I wish I had...
      I drove for 6 yrs without a driving licence (couldnt be bothered to sit the test) and whilst studying for my law degree. Does that count?

    4. Six years without a license is pretty strong.

      I get too many tickets to drive without a license.

  3. What an evil villain type moustache...

    1. It's suave Gia...not evil...suave.

    2. After two months away from Indian aestheticians and their magical threading, my moustache is almost as suave as the one pictured.

  4. I avoid it at all costs - too busy blogging!

  5. Only reiterates what we already are a wise lady.

  6. Hey mate how u doing. Lovely photo just missing some ale :)
    some how u fell out of my reading list...hmm

  7. Perfect timing! I played hooky this afternoon from my job whilst I went to get my car fixed. Ate ice cream along the sea front and looked at waves. Best afternoon for ages!

    1. That's what I'm talking about.

      Down with work. Up with ice cream!

  8. There's no telling with blogger.

    My buddy was already half lit...we still had 80 miles to cover.

  9. The effect of the suave moustache is perhaps marginally reduced by the untucked shirt ;-) But I fully applaud your sentiments, and this comes from someone who works for herself...

    1. Give yourself a day off Mrs.'ve earned it I'm sure.

  10. I feel the urge to make reference to the stains that adorn the front of that untucked shirt in a splatter-like dispersion pattern; however, I shall refrain and, by concomitant association, pass without comment on the pimp tash.

    As Ludwig Wittgenstein sagely observed in his Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus:"Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent."

    1. Go on say it Nat. Everybody else is thinking's secsy

  11. Wait a minute ... I recognise this guy! He was responsible for brokering the deal which saw The Doobie Brothers hire Michael McDonald to help fulfill their contractual obligations to release another album in 1976 after a productivity hiatus revolving around the unavailability of their primary singer/songwriter.

  12. Also at work, before you've even had a chance to pour a cup of coffee, you're liable to hear something like this...

    "Y'aaaaaaaallll. The li'le doooo-hickey on mah toilet fell owwf. Thank gooodness I only tinkled."

    Oh joy.

  13. Apropos work: what a grim week: it couldn't have got any grimmer if it had been scripted by Die Brüder Grimm after exhumation and reanimation with aid of CIA DNA-engineered megaton crack, only for them to learn that Disney has all the rights to their works and Adam Sandler will play all the parts in 3D lipstick-smeared drag.

    Every get the strong sense that now might be the time to up your game, yet just the effort to keep treading is all you have left to keep you from drowning in the brown after-flood of a s**t storm created by other people who would happily watch your log-dead body float-on past in the fetid goo?

    "Work will set you free."

    Indeed, the very thought!

    *I am available as a motivational speaker.*

    1. You are truly an inspiration Nat.

      You could always set up shop in a van down by the river.
