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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Where's you Dinner Mommy?

Before we get back to work...I just scored a victory around here. They don't happen very often so I thought I'd mark the occasion with a post for prosperity.

It's around noon and the boy is eatin his applesauce and fish sticks. Martha's sittin' with him when he looks up at her and asks...

"Where's you dinner Moma?"

She's been tryin' to feed him something called lunch at midday and then dinner at like 5:00 in the evenin'.

Southerners, like my boy, like me and like his Grandaddy, eat their dinner at midday and eat supper in the evenin'.

Lunch? Beats me...sounds more like a respiratory condition than something you'd want to eat.


  1. Who's going to win Super Bowl Erik, and who are you rooting for tonight?

  2. I think this deserves it's own post Gregg...there's a lot of what we were talking about with the Glazers in it.

    Short answer the Steelers.

  3. Supper, is that not the guy that runs the apartment building?

  4. Well, well,'s about time.

    You're thinking of a super...didn't you watch the PJs?
