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Monday, July 25, 2011

Lightning Bolt

Late in the afternoon yesterday, I was out in my little room off the carport...The King of Paintings Throne Room...where I produce masterpieces and whatever. It was rainin' and gettin' bumpier by the minute. It's actually nice sittin out there listening to the rain and a distance anyway.

I'd been out there just long enough to light a cigarette and settle down when there was a tight, sharp, metallic bang...LOUD! like somebody had fired a 44 magnum inside the little metal trash can next to my desk. I could feel the air pressure change and my mouth tasted like I had a penny under my tongue.

I thought it struck the house but, it was about 100 ft. from where I was sitting in the neighbors yard.

Lightening strike 040

That is one dead loblolly.

Maybe the blog got hit in the same storm.


  1. Old Heraclitus wrote: "Thunderbolt steers all things"; presumably - since we only have fragments of his writings culled from others' quotes - this is a reference to Zeus who was said, by the Ancient Greeks, to command bolts of lightening at will.

    To the mortal, lightening is frequently "like a bolt out of the blue" - a surprise; an unanticipated shock to the system that jolts one from other, more mundane, distractions like the hammer fall of a near death blow.

    The resultant awakening, one may speculate, may be compared to the clarity of purpose in the oneness that Zeus possess as "father of the gods"; hence, in so far as anything gets done, it is driven by this single pointed source of being - purposefulness - free and unfettered by the clouds of confusion and the multi-directional windsock of brainstorming exercises (and mixed metaphors).

    Or may be not.

    Of course, this is of little consolation to the tree.

  2. Let Mister Mitchum take it home with The Ballad of Thunder Road:

  3. You got that right.

    A lightning bolt is a very deliberate thing...poor tree.

    Try this one...

  4. Thors riding the heavens in his goat pulled chariot again! We'll have on tonight or tommorow the way the weather has been lately, the air smells ready for it... and I don't mean the Akbari Chicken I ate last night

  5. Ha.

    We're on it daily now...every afternoon it seems. I almost had to pull over yesterday on the way back from the Coast. Three times I hit patches of blinding rain.
