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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Odd Traveling

I'm on the road a lot. I live in motel rooms half the workin' week and you'd think they were all the same. To an extent they are. Each one has it's own quirks...sockets that don't work unless a light switch is thrown, t.v.s that sit so far back in a cabinet you can't see them from anywhere except the edge of the bed, some have bad abstract paintings...while others have atrociously bad abstract paintings (how do you get that gig...without living in China?), some put out soap in convenient tear-away bags others wrapped in that infuriating wax paper,etc

Still it's mostly the same...generic desk by the tv in a generic cabinet, bed in front of the tv, generic lamps, dirty carpet, beige walls, and a cheap radio alarm clock. That's the landscape.

Other than missing Martha and The Boy, there's no reason by now that I should be as right at home in these places as I am in my own living room.

Sometimes I am...and it seems to have something to do with where I area or town wise. On the Northshore, the Coast, Baton Rouge, Indianola and Tupelo...I take a room over like my names on the mortgage. I put my feet on the desk and settle in for the Law and Order.

Other times, I'm restless as a cat out of doors. The same chair at the same desk that's been perfectly fitted for me in Slidell is, like a pea under the mattress, a 16th of an inch off in Philadelphia and comfort is out of the question. The hamfisted Moralizing of the nypd special victims unit is campy and fun in Ocean McComb it's dead boring.

All in what is essentially the same room.


  1. PENALTIES!?!?! What the HELL!?!?!?!?!

  2. Ain't nothin for high steppers. This will be over in about ten minutes.

  3. They should have about five interceptions by now

  4. A little tied up with company this weekend (Daddy).....quick rundown of yesterday's activity.

    Vanderbilt curb stomped Ole Miss...**** in the dirt style.

    Auburn got it's first loss in almost 20 games at non-conference foe Clemson (long history with the SEC...almost quasi member go way back to before the Southern Conference days...hoping they may join us soon).

    Gators are bada**! suck it Vols.

    South Carolina had some trouble with the Naval Academy...everybody does with only a week to prepare for the ancient option offense they run...but pulled it out.

    In other news f$u lost...hahahaha.

  5. Oh yeah...Adam's Bulldogs thumped The Mighty Chauncies of Costal Carolina 59 - 0.

    Go Dawgs.

  6. Hurrah, suck it whoever just got wopped, I always knew they had it in em!

    In other news the UK is now insane. O.K its the law not to kill someone, thought I personally think in the case of an intruder thats bollocks, but in this particular article, the real icing on the cake': people have been laying wreaths at the house. wtf? For a burglar? Mince his arse up and feed it to the pigs, fecker.

    that is all.

  7. For all you English burglars thinking of immigrating to the States...many states have what is known as the Castle Doctrine. We have already been down this road and the people (especially those with Southern accents) have spoken...if you come on my property and I feel threatened I am within my rights to kill you.

    Just means you'll have to rob me during the day when nobody's home :).

  8. These jokers tried your latter approach, sadly the dude was home, and as you can see from the article, most the good folks of northern England subscribe to your doctrine, sadly the law doesn't seem to agree. And thats whatever really, but, the flowers man, the flowers!!! Thats just the straw the broke the back of an alreaday pretty wonky and bobnkers camel! Wtf, if I stabbed a dude robbing my house, and someone left flowers on my drive... let us just say I would probably rearrange them in a less than respectfull manner!

  9. Yeah I had to let that go for a minute.

    My daddy was ditto there when your post popped up. He could only calmed once I convinced him that this was happening in England...and not in Mississippi. :)

    "well...."was his response. Make of that what you will.

  10. Turns out it is cool to stab a burglar in the UK, the law is muddy, but there was some guff on it earlier in the year and Ken Clarke waddled out some crap about it, saying basically you get burgled, you stab the dude, no crime is commited. As to why they arrested him in this instance then I have no idea? He's on bail then.

    The Mail is naturally loving this!

    Turns out, there is plenty of precendent for stabbing an intruder, and getting away fine with it, ao really I'm sure this is all an unfortunate hassle and technicallity for poor old mr Cooke. he'll be off within a month, and this is now the 4th or 5th incident liek this in a short space, and the same public outcry each time, so watch for increased clarification of the law soon.

    But seriously? They forced their way in, threatened him with a knife, his wife and 12 year old boy came back during the incident, he told them to leg it, there was a scuffle, the burglars dead. The world is a better place... open and shut really, why even arrest him? Seriously, look at the pics of the two dudes, and spot the wrong un:

    The media (who are largely on his side) do keep harping on about how rich he was. I mean why? Sure it is probably why he was a target, but they keep finishing every damn sentance with ' cooke, who drove a £70,00 car' or ' cooke, who lived in a £350,000 house' what the hell, journalists man.

    Don't reckon much to the UK then you dad huh.

  11. World War Two veteran Wilf Burgess, 81, was shocked to hear of Mr Cooke's arrest.

    He said: "They've arrested a man who's being robbed? It's bloody stupid."

    *Awesome sauce :D

  12. This is a good turn of events. They should name any ensuing law after Cooke.

    Happily, Mr Burgess has restored my Daddy's faith in the English.

  13. A faith, by the way, that was founded in a Brummie lap.

    His Grandaddy woke up in the morning lookin' for somebody to fight...and would only have been upset about being robbed if he hadn't been home to greet the burglar.

  14. I understand the deliberate ambiguity of 'reasonable force', bloke comes into your house with a knife and ends up lying on the carpet with a knife sticking out of him is constured as reasonable force, whereas someone stealing barbed wire off the bottom of your 4 acre plot ending up with a knife sticking out of him... well perhaps the principle is the same, but to me it isn't, and I guess thats all the coppers are after, some freedom to excercise that judgement without red tape, sounds like the media has totally blown up the 'arrested for murder' part into more than it is (I'll go back to ignoring the news I think). But the flowers man... I expect that sort of thing from chavs, yeah they lost a son, but still, sheesh, they got some cheek.

  15. So your great, great grandad was a brummie? Am I reading that right? Same here, or nearly, black country raises great great grandad... its a small world. :)

    I don't think your daddys faith needs to worry, but like everywhere else there are frequent moments of madness. Its odd how easily this faith can be shaken. It reminds me of lots of many people over here, when ever something weird happens and it turns out it was in America, there is usually a 'well there you go', or 'only in America', recently had such an event on a friends blog with a religious zealot screaming him down over a computer game!!! That kind of blanket assumption/explanation is always a bit disheartening to me, as it immediately ties in so many people I know and like, without consideration. Not really particularly faithfull in that respect.

  16. We've had the same muddled issues...I knew a fella in the service that went through a period serious trouble for shooting a burglar. We have the same legal system...and traditional understanding of property rights. A lot of these states have decided to err in favor of the owners.

    I think the only Time my Daddy's faith in the English people has been genuinely disturbed is when guns come up.

    It was my great grand daddy that was from Birmingham...he was a man that was never tied down for very long and he spent a lot of time off and on at my Grandaddy's house. He died just before I was born.

    I think there is some validity to the only in America thing....the place is so gigantic and has all these people that have nothing in common cobbled into the same's a imperial construct. You know my solution to this.

  17. A lot of good stuff is being wigged on here...not commented on.

    This deserves it's own post really.

    I've had like five minutes of internets since yesterday morning.

    Let me tell something that could only happen in this part of America...through a series of terrible misfortunes I ended up with a half cooked piece of Gator meat in my belly yesterday.

    I sense a biographical post in our future.

  18. Should be wiffed on....not wigged on.

    Freaking spell check.

  19. Email me yr address at, there's a whole bunch of Larsen Effect and Morgen & Nite cds that I need to send yer.

  20. Thank you John...there's nothing we like more here than flattery.

  21. Wow, I had no idea Tupelo was a real place and not just a kind of delicious honey or Bad Seeds song.

  22. Glad to see you in these parts.

    Tupelo is indeed a real place...and a lovely one too. That's where Elvis is from.

    There's a whole thread about Tupelo on here somewhere.
