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Saturday, December 31, 2011

What I Expect in the New Year - Memphis, Tennessee

This is the beginning of what will be a series of post in the next few weeks. It'll be a list of New Year's Resolutions I'm assigning to the world.

Why should I saddle myself with the near impossible task of improving on me when there's so much about the rest of the world in obvious need of change?

First Expectation: A definitive version of the Chuck Berry song Memphis, Tennessee.

Here's the original...

I hate to take issue with the man hisself but...somebody dropped the ball here. The bloopy bass line is interesting and shows that somebody's instincts were good but, over all, there's no bottom to it. The effort is just too tiny for what is a gigantic song.

Two, it's a testament to the man's prolific genius that this song...maybe the greatest rocknroll song treated so carelessly.

Two, the song is undeniable. It took on a life of it's own. It's a monster.

Lonnie Mack got hold of it...gave the guitar the space it needed and the ringing hook is revealed. Then Johnny Rivers....

It's canned but even the ticky tack crowd noises can't mar the groove.

At this point, the great man reclaims his song and, at what I think is the height of his powers as a preformer, puts it back on the set list.

This clip is closer to 1973 than '63.

Listen to how effortlessly he makes it moan. The monster's got a soul.

What it never got, as far as I know, is a difinitive's full potential is still unknown.

Maybe not entirely unknown...

So, you have your first ressolution world. Those of you with guitars (and we have our fair share of them right here) you have 12 months.


  1. I'm not sure I can take this on. I am awfully busy with my world's best girlfriend work....

    Happy New Year!

  2. Come on Gia...this would surely be worth a few points in that direction and besides this would make you a hero to the world.

    Happy New Year to you too.

  3. Well I usually break my resolutions by day 3 but this year I am deciding to become more vain. Since I am a total narcissist I know I can't fail at that!

  4. Do you play the gi'tar Ma'am?

    If not there will be other resolutions I'm gonna be assigning.

    Welcome to Flimsy Cups. Make you're self at home...and Happy New Year.

  5. A happy new year to you too.

    Don't be a stranger.

  6. I've passed this onto my geetar playing wains, e.f.
    I'd do a flute version - but somehow I don't think it would work as well...
    Happy 2012 my friend! x

  7. Happy New Year you.

    Yeah. The flute might be at a disadvantage in this case. Though we would applaud the effort.

    Get them youngins on it.

  8. I'm working on a tuba-based version, myself.

  9. This is the second time lately that I've suspected you of trying to pull my leg but, the song does call for a heavy bottom...
