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Monday, March 19, 2012

Adamparsons Called it a Holiday.

Back in the office today...


Vacation's over.

We started strong on Beale.


The Boy almost caused a scene when we walked into the hotel lobby and he saw that.

"'s Bo Diddley. Bo Diddley Daddy...LOOK! LOOK! Daddy!"

Look at the Boy's face...that kid loves Bo Diddley. A while back, I gave him a box of my old Star Wars figures. The first thing he did was snatch out Lando..Billy Dee Williams.."Bo's Bo Diddley." That's right he's got a Bo Diddley action figure.

Bo Diddley was an action figure.

The lady behind the counter giggled the whole way through check in. I'd been telling him the whole way up that Memphis had g'itars.

There's an odd mistake in Pies and Prejudice by Stuart Manconi...he's describing some rowdy Northern street. I can't remember which one...but, he says it's like Bourbon without the guitar motif. Of course Bourbon St. has trumpets and saxophones everywhere. It's a jazz town. It's Beale St. that has g'itars on everything...everywhere. Not that big a deal but...

Then there was that muddly bit in the middle of the week.

Despite it all, I do enjoy getting to see my in-laws...even if L, my sister-in-law, did say to me, after a game of scrabble...

"Why don't you take that J to bed with you tonight...use it as a don't seem to be able to do anything else with it."

I got yer number L...yer gonna pay for that one.

A BUNN coffee pot turned out to be a source of some amusement. It's a coffee maker that keeps a reservoir of hot water...there's no waiting. You pour in cold coffee comes out...not exactly a new fangled idea.

"Do you leave it on all the time?"

"Sure that's what keeps the water warm."

"Is that safe?"

"Of course not. That's why we bought it for you...hoping it would burn your house down.....No No No. I'm kidding. It's perfectly safe. Ours is on at home right now."

" much energy does it use?"

"I have absolutely noooo flipping idea."


It's a coffee pot...not a *&^**&^% jet pack. I'm sure it's back in the box by now.

We were back by Wednesday afternoon...


Thursday morning I was at the dentist.

You may be I this point, where's the vacation?

It happened for a few hours on Friday afternoon at the golf club...


...with these two.

Then it was back on schedule. We're selling our house and Sunday afternoons mean Open House. We have to split. It works out 'cause...after all, we're lookin' for a house ourselves.


You'd think it would be a no brainer with a back yard like that. Sadly, the layout of the house is almost as chaotic as the yard is serene. A serenity that was broken when I turned my back on the Boy for two seconds. I heard a door burst open..

"Put that down and get away from the pond."

The Boy had picked up the Goose and I guess the realtor...who was watching through the window...nearly had a heart attack. So, Martha ran out to give us both a dirty look.

I think me and the Boy were kinda wearin' her out anyway. She loves her boys but....she would have loved us more if we'd been in another car.

We think we're hilarious...

Boy - "Excuse me."

Me - "Excuse you."

Boy- "No excuse me."

Me - "No excuse you."


"Stop sayin what I'm sayin."

"Stop sayin what I'm sayin."

"Stop sayin what I'm sayin."

I think Martha's still wondering where the vacation was.


  1. Great pictures! I want a no-waiting coffee pot. Or a keurig.

    1. Those Keurigs are sweet...but I don't think Community makes any of those cups yet.

  2. Oh, the joys of living with a 3yr-old. :-) Good luck with the house sale. I think I'd put up with a lot house-wise to have a garden like that.

    1. When people ask Martha if she wants to have more youngins she tells 'em..."Why? I've already got two."


      It's got a big out building that's a studio too.

      There's just too much that would have to be done to the inside, that yard is something.

  3. Replies
    1. Yeah y'all...Poor Martha.

      Ask J.Q. where she and Martha were on Saturday night while I was slaving at home with the Boy.

    2. Watching Zulu with your son is not slaving at home. And keep in mind, you were invited to this party too.

    3. You seem to spend enough time goofing off, 'bout time you did some work I says. Git em chores done.

    4. If I wasn't there... it wasn't a party.

      You and Martha call it goofin off. I call it livin...haters.

    5. Nah, you called it goofin off face to face with me the other day man. twice... as well as calling dinner lunch in a message... I told you, you're getting assimilated!

      I know you type at a party, too cool for school, smokin on the porch and acting all nonchalant, not inside chattin. Probably talking to another too cool for schooler about how great the Fall are, terrified the other will notice you secretly hate them... I got your number.

  4. I called it lunch because I thought you were complaining about chores. I should have known better.

    Kick me out of yer dinner club...we got a few very pleasant southerners here...we'll start a supper club.

    I confessed to goofing off after you grilled me about what I was doing just sitting around at coffee shop on a Saturday morning...the "when you could be home doing chores" being implied.

    I'm the one at parties who unloads the cake and party hats, sneaks cigarettes in the parking lot, and loads up the presents after it's over.

    We all know you secretly love the Fall...begging for me to post some as you are. Yer out of luck though...I've had the Pixies song Vamos on a continous loop for the last two weeks and can't make it stop.

    1. Yeah, pull the other one, its got bells on, you too cool for schoolers will say anything to save face.

      I will confess, I was genuinely intrigued as to what you'd done to be able to just scoot off out for coffee and leave the good lady with the boy, or what you owed when you get back, or wondering if you'd just done it anyway :P

      Maybe me reminding you of what dribble the Fall are will set you off on another bout of listening to it. Apologies to the wife and ear drums in advance if so.

    2. You're goading me in to it...which you know will lead to you an excuse to listen without having to admit you love it.

      You're biggest problem there is I can't take the needle of Surfer Rosa right now.

      You'd be amazed what you can get away with when you're me.
