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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Post #3

My Daddy's comin' today. 

He'll be here for a week or so, and among other things we'll be playin' golf...lots of golf.  Some of my favorite memories are of being on the golf course with him...favorites and one very frustrating memory...if you can call it that.

I was pretty young...3 to 5 maybe (who knows really). I had tagged along for a lot of rounds of golf but never at this particular course.  All I can remember is images from the first two holes....I have no recollection of the rest of the course.  Being on a golf course is not like being at a park or a's a course. It has specific stages that are separate but connected to form a path...they're even numbered. 

So, unlike a memory of roaming the toy aisles at J.C. Penny...I know there's supposed to be a certain path this memory should follow...the nature of the event demands sequence.  All I got is the beginning though...we crested a hill to the second green, walked to the 3rd tee box, then the void. 

It just so happens that the first two holes can be seen from the road...a road that we traveled a lot. In other words I was already very familiar with that part of the golf course before this "memory" occurred.  The images I have left from that day are most definitely from the perspective of being on the course...not seeing it from the road, but I don't have any images from portions of the course that couldn't be seen from the road.  Obviously there is more at work in my memory than the single event.

What kinda smoke and mirrors is this?  What about the rest of my memories...what other hocus pocus is going on there?

Furthermore, I've handled this particular "memory" so many times that it has less meaning as a "memory" than it does as a reference point for an internal debate...X(!

Anyway, I remember very clearly what a good time I had the last time we played and I'm looking forward to doin' it again.

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